Key Requests
Please read the instructions thoroughly and complete the necessary form.
Note: All building reservations and room usage requests must be made through the Planning Center Calendar. Click here for those instructions.
Key Request Form
All requests for access need to be requested through the office from a Centurion or Ministry Leader.:
Key fob's should only be requested for individuals who need frequent ongoing access to the building outside of general open building times.
If an internal key is needed that can be requested on the same form.
Complete the key fob request form below.
Key Fob Agreement
Once you have been notified that the key request has been approved, you must send this form to the new key holder to complete:
After the form has been completed the key fob will be give to you at the next Thursday service. You will be responsible for distributing to the key holder. ​
Lost or damaged key fobs will require a $10 replacement cost.
Click the button below to send the agreement form link.