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room Reservations

Please review the building usage guidelines then click the 'Make Reservation' button below to make a building reservation for MKE building usage. Note: The calendar form is used to reserve your meeting/event space, request media needs, and have your event added to the announcements. 

Building Guidelines

There may be multiple events or activities taking place in the building at the same time. Please be mindful of noise. If there is a conflict in space usage contact the email below. 

Parking Lot Gate 




Other Reminders

  • If the parking lot gate is closed when you arrive for your event, you are responsible for making sure it is closed at the end of your event.

  • Unlocked/propped doors must be attended at all times.

  • No propping doors for meetings/events without someone present at the door.

  • Do NOT give your key to any one else to use. Keys may only be utilized by the minister they are assigned to.

  • No duplicating of internal or external building door keys - must be requested through the office.

  • No children (under 18) should be left unattended in any room at any time.

  • No church property is to be removed from the premises. i.e. Sound equipment, AV equipment, chairs, tables, etc.
    • No church records should be removed from the premises. i.e. Visitor cards, personal information of
    children, ministers, etc.
    • Do not utilize, move, or remove any sound equipment in the sanctuary. Equipment should be utilized by
    the AV Ministry only.
    • If you see something out of place, missing, or out of the ordinary contact the office promptly.

  • Clean up after your meeting/event.

  • All trash containing food should be taken directly to the dumpster.

Building Emergency Contacts

 Ismael (Maintenance)



Luis Hernandez (safety)


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